International Seminar on Selective Inference, Online
Parametric Programming for More Powerful Conditional Selective Inference, with Applications to Deep Learning-Based Image Segmentation and Salient Region Detection -
Japan-Vietnam AI Forum, Hanoi, Vietnam
Exact Statistical Inference for the Wasserstein Distance -
Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning, Nuremberg and Waischenfeld, Germany
Statistical Inference for Neural Network-based Image Segmentation -
EPFL-CIS and RIKEN-AIP Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Lausanne, Switzerland
Statistical Inference for Neural Network-based Image Segmentation -
EPFL-CIS & RIKEN-AIP Joint Online Workshop on Machine Learning 2022
Exact Statistical Inference for the Wasserstein Distance by Selective Inference -
RIKEN AIP Open Seminar 2020
Statistically Quantifying the Reliability of Data-Driven Science by Selective Inference -
Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2019) Workshop
Statistical Significance of Discriminative Sub-Trajectory